2024 Signature Seminar

Maximizing Employee Retention: Insights from the NALP Foundation’s Stay Study Report & Leveraging Stay Interviews for Organizational Success

September 26, 2024 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST


Fiona Trevelyan Hornblower, President & CEO, NALP Foundation

Jennifer Mandery, Vice President for Research, NALP Foundation

Mindy Herczfeld, Chief Legal Talent Officer, Cozen O’Connor

Manar Morales, President & CEO, Diversity & Flexibility Alliance

This session will delve into the NALP Foundation’s inaugural Stay Study Report, detailing the key factors driving associates’ decisions to remain at their firms. Our expert panel will provide an in-depth analysis of the report’s key insights exploring associates’ valuations of work allocation, compensation, benefits, firm policies, hybrid work, professional development, mentoring, DEI initiatives, and more.

We will further discuss how these findings can be practically applied within your organization, offering best practices for conducting effective stay interviews. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge on crafting meaningful questions, creating a comfortable interview environment, and analyzing the data collected. Additionally, we will share actionable tips for utilizing the insights from stay interviews to develop targeted retention strategies and to foster a supportive work culture.

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations. Not a member? Contact Angela Whitehead Quigley for more information. 

2024 Signature Seminar

Embracing Generational Diversity: A Fireside Chat

Featuring Chris DeSantis, Author of Why I Find You Irritating: Navigating Generational Friction at Work & Manar Morales, President & CEO, Diversity & Flexibility Alliance

May 7, 2024 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET

The workforce has evolved to include four distinct generational groups. Therein lies the challenge and the opportunity. Each generational cohort comes of age during distinct environmental circumstances which shape motivations, expectations, and workplace behaviors. Join Chris DeSantis in conversation with DFA President and CEO, Manar Morales, discussing the framework outlined in his book for understanding generational perspectives, clarifying the distinctions between actual and perceptual differences, when it makes sense to talk about these differences, and when it doesn’t. Additionally, learn what organizations need to do to embrace a new generation of workers, Gen Z, and how they can best be engaged and retained in a hybrid workplace.

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series here.

2024 Signature Seminar

Interrupting Bias in Feedback

Featuring Manar Morales, President & CEO, Diversity & Flexibility Alliance

March 5, 2024 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET

Delivering feedback is a critical component of effective leadership and performance. Research shows, however, that women and under-represented professionals are less likely to receive constructive feedback that’s needed to improve performance and for career advancement. In this session, you’ll learn how to develop a framework for setting expectations and overcoming the conscious (and unconscious) roadblocks for giving effective feedback.

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series here.

2024 Signature Seminar

Meeting the Challenge of Burnout

Featuring Dr. Christina Maslach, Author, The Burnout Challenge

January 17, 2024 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET

Burnout is an occupational phenomenon that results from chronic workplace stressors that have not been successfully managed.  Research on burnout has identified the value of fixing the job, and not just the person, within six areas of job-person mismatch.  Improving the match between people and their jobs is the key to managing the chronic stressors, and can be done on a routine basis as part of regular organizational checkups.  Better matches enable people to work smarter, rather than just harder, and to thrive rather than to get beaten down.

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series here.

2023 Signature Seminar

Women@Work: A Global Outlook

Featuring Emma Codd, Global Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer, Deloitte

December 7, 2023 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm ET

Since 2021, Deloitte’s Women @ Work: A Global Outlook Report has provided insight into women’s experiences in the workplace. 2021’s findings were dominated by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, while 2022 showed an equally concerning and stark picture of increasing exposure to non-inclusive behaviors, burnout, and challenges with hybrid working. This year, the responses of 5,000 women across 10 countries show improvement, but the underlying data emphasizes how much remains to be done.

Join us as Emma Codd, Deloitte’s Global Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, talks through some of the key findings and recommendations from this year’s report and provides additional insights based on her experience as a thought leader in an organization focused on gender equality.

This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 1.0 hour of total CLE credit. Of these, 1.0 qualify as hours of credit for diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias (BCLE Reg. 302:1).

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series here.

2023 Signature Seminar

Money Talks: Why and How to Navigate Business Origination Credit Conversations

Featuring Tasneem Khokha, Managing Director, GrowthPlay

October 17, 2023 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET

As law firms continue to explore ways to cross-sell and collaboratively serve clients, a frequent question arises regarding origination credit allocation. While many firms have modified their compensation systems to encourage collaboration, origination credit often remains a sticking point.This program will demonstrate why law firm leaders and partners should address origination credit allocation and how they can do so in a way that fosters collaboration. In particular, this program will help participants:

  • Understand the critical role origination credit allocation plays in promoting collaboration, succession planning, and DEI values
  • Assess whether the firm’s current systems and practices serve these objectives or need to evolve
  • Approach conversations about credit allocation in ways that support collaboration, client continuity, and inclusion

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series here.

2023 Signature Seminar

Successes in New Attorney Integration – A Case Study

Featuring Shannon Burke, Director of Talent Development & Stacey Kielbasa, Chief Talent Officer, Chapman and Cutler LLP

July 25, 2023 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET

Onboarding new attorneys in the last few years has required an examination and overhaul of firm integration processes. The data gathered from NALP evidences that the rate of lateral attorney attrition is higher than other attorneys. Many new associates who have only ever worked in a hybrid environment need unique guidance as they launch their careers. What can law firms do to more successfully integrate new attorneys into their practice groups and firms and reduce the attrition rate? Join Shannon and Stacey as they share with you lessons learned from the creation of a Lateral Attorney Integration Program and intentional new associate onboarding at their firm.

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series here.

2023 Signature Seminar

Featuring Manar Morales, President & CEO, Diversity & Flexibility Alliance

May 3, 2023 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST

Join us at 1:00pm ET on Wednesday, May 3 for a Signature Seminar featuring Alliance President & CEO, Manar Morales. During this virtual presentation, Manar will share how to identify unconscious bias in the interview process as well as the steps organizations and interviewers can take to mitigate bias during the interview.

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series. Email Angela Whitehead Quigley if you have questions.

Members – register for this Seminar in the Member Resource Center.

2023 Signature Seminar

Featuring Rudhir Krishtel, CEO, Krishtel

March 2, 2023 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST

It’s time to examine how business development culture has impacted those from historically underrepresented backgrounds. These patterns directly impact compensation, wealth distribution, and equity. Participants will discuss specific roadblocks existing at the nexus of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and business development (BD) that impede the progress of women, people of color, and other historically underrepresented groups and understand avenues to consider moving towards a more equitable culture.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series.

Members – register for this Seminar in the Member Resource Center.

2023 Signature Seminar

Featuring Dr. Tina Opie & Dr. Beth Livingston

February 1, 2023 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST

Making progress toward a more equitable workplace is an important goal for many workplaces. In this Signature Seminar, Manar Morales will interview Drs. Tina Opie and Beth Livingston about their book, Shared Sisterhood: How to Take Collective Action for Racial and Gender Equity at Work, which presents a new approach to achieving gender and racial equity at work. Shared Sisterhood focuses on how to promote authentic connections between people who are different, using social science research and stories from the past and the present to inspire organizations to action.

Members – learn more in the Member Resource Center.