2016 FSA Call for Nominations

The Diversity & Flexibility Alliance is pleased to announce that nominations for the 2016 Flex Success Award will be accepted from Monday, November 2, 2015 until Friday, December 18, 2015. Nominees will be notified of their status in January 2016 and winners will be presented with the Flex Success Award at the Alliance’s 2016 Annual Conference, which will take place on March 16, 2016, at Jones Day in Washington, DC. Read more

November 2015

Featuring – Suzanne Franchetti, President, Franchetti Communications

You have only a few moments to capture someone’s attention…How do you reduce the risk of being just another distraction? Effective pitching is directly related to your bottom line. Suzanne Franchetti will lead participants through the Six Ways to Guarantee Your Pitch Cuts Through the Clutter.  This process, specifically designed for legal and professional services audiences, will provide the missing links to your presentation and media communication efforts. Whether you’re speaking to one person in an informal meeting, a large crowd at an industry event, or preparing to speak with the news media – partners, associates, and corporate legal teams will benefit from these messaging strategies.

The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

This month, we are pleased to share insights from David Soofian, Associate in the New York office of Kaye Scholer LLP. 
David SoofianDiversity & Flexibility Alliance: 
How have you made flexibility a priority and a success with your career? How have clients contributed to your flex success?

David Soofian: I telecommute one day a week and have a normalized flex schedule. I have (almost) three year old twins, and they are my priority on every level. Spending time with them is the best part of my day. I want to be a present and involved dad, so I take charge of their morning routine – waking them up, getting them ready, and taking them to school every morning – and make sure I’m home at night in time for bath and bed time.

I’m a seventh year Intellectual Property associate, and the nature of my work allows me to manage my own schedule. The deadlines in Federal District courts and the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit are typically known well in advance, which makes it easier to tackle big projects on my own schedule. So in order to be home in time to bathe and put the kids to bed, I log in extra hours outside of the traditional workday to meet my professional obligations. This also means if there’s going to be a conflict, I’ll know about it well in advance. Read more

The Alliance’s Action Steps are designed to assist organizations with implementing practical strategies and policies related to diversity and flexibility.  Members can access full versions of all of the Alliance’s Action Steps in the Member Resource Center.


As supported by findings in the Alliance’s 2014 Law Firm Flexibility Benchmarking Survey Report and other industry sources, most major law firms make reduced hours schedules available to their attorneys, and many have a formal written policy reflecting this commitment. While many of these organizations recognize the need to have different types of flexible work options to meet the myriad needs of a diverse workforce, fewer have written policies for telecommuting and other full-time flexibility, such as flexible start/end times and annualized hours. Some do not see a need and others have concerns about policies being too rigid, but the Alliance recommends putting your organization’s full-time flexible work options in writing for three key reasons…

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The Diversity & Flexibility Alliance’s Flex Leader Exchange (FLEx) is a quarterly, roundtable-style teleconference series for diversity and talent development professionals at Alliance member organizations.

Join us for the final Flex Leader Exchange for 2015 as we discuss actions firms and legal departments can take to retain and advance their high potentials with flexibility. The Alliance team will address specific ways that organizations with Flex Success Leadership Institute alumni can maximize their investment by helping participants execute on the leadership and business development plans started at the Institute. Read more

As we prepare for the upcoming Flex Success™ Leadership Institute, we will be featuring the industry experts who will guide participants from high potential to high performance.  

This week, we are pleased to feature Lisa Horowitz, Founder and Principal Advisor of Attorney Talent Strategy Group.  Lisa will work with participants to create leadership development plans.

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As we prepare for the upcoming Flex Success™ Leadership Institute, we will be featuring the industry experts who will guide participants from high potential to high performance.  

This week, we are pleased to feature Ritu Bhasin, Principal and Founder of bhasin consulting inc. Ritu will teach participants the value of sponsor relationships and how to become sponsor-ready for more effective career development.  Read more

As we prepare for the upcoming Flex Success™ Leadership Institute, we will be featuring the industry experts who will guide participants from high potential to high performance.  

This week, we are pleased to feature Colleen Vossler, Founder and CEO of Vossler Negotiations LLC. Colleen will teach participants how to ask for what they want, manage disagreements, and develop a winning negotiation style to move their career forward.

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The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

This month, we are pleased to share insights from Beth Dickstein, Partner in the Chicago office of Sidley Austin LLP.

Beth DicksteinDiversity & Flexibility Alliance: How have you made flexibility a priority and a success with your career? How has flexibility made your career more sustainable?

Beth Dickstein: After 24 years of working flexibly, I think I offer a unique perspective. I’ve been with Sidley Austin for 27 years, and I started on a flex schedule as a third year associate when my son was born – that was 24 years ago! I was at a 70 percent schedule, then moved to 80 percent, and now am at a 90 percent reduced hours schedule. I still come in every day, and there are times when I work from home. Looking back, it’s amazing how much flexibility has changed over two decades.

When I first contemplated working flexibly, there weren’t many women partners, and there were even less working “part-time.” There was one partner in the Tax group who worked one day from home, and it seemed to be working. I took that as a positive sign both personally and from the firm’s perspective. I wanted my Fridays completely off so I could use it to volunteer in my kids’ classrooms. (I also have a daughter who is now 22). In 1993/1994, the technology we have today that facilitates flexibility and telecommuting wasn’t there (or was just starting) – there was no internet, email, cell phones, etc. So when I was off on Fridays, I was off.

Sidley has always advocated for the success of women and flexibility. This type of support made my Fridays at home work. Because the technology wasn’t in place yet, I gave clients my home number and told them to call it if they ever needed to reach me. This simple gesture showed my commitment, and I appreciated their support of the work arrangement. I rarely received a call at home, but I know clients still appreciated the gesture nonetheless. I always felt I was fully backed by the clients, the firm, and the partners I worked with – as long as my work was getting done (and done well) they had no issues. I was able to work, be a mom, and participate in my kids’ activities without the guilt from either side.

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As we prepare for the upcoming Flex Success™ Leadership Institute, we will be featuring the industry experts who will guide participants from high potential to high performance.  

This week, we are pleased to feature Tasneem Goodman, Managing Director at Akina Corporation. Tasneem will review the essential fundamentals of business development and assist participants in developing business development frameworks that are as effective and efficient as possible.
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