The Alliance’s Action Steps are designed to assist organizations with implementing practical strategies and policies related to diversity and flexibility.  Members can access full versions of all of the Alliance’s Action Steps in the Member Resource Center.


We all know what schedule creep is: the tendency of reduced hours to creep back up to full-time levels while pay remains decreased. It starts for several reasons: unavoidable client demands; court-ordered deadlines; accepting too much work; senior lawyers who are unaware of junior lawyers’ schedules; and possibly senior lawyers who are passive-aggressively expressing their distaste for reduced hours. When it happens over a sustained period of time, it undermines a lawyer’s reduced hours agreement and can damage the effectiveness of the flexible work program itself. Fortunately, there are solutions… Read more

The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

This month, we are pleased to share insights from Amy Ufberg, Partner in the Philadelphia office of Dechert LLP.

Amy UfbergDiversity & Flexibility Alliance: How have you made work-life control a priority and a success with your schedule? How has a client contributed to this?

Amy Ufberg: My flexible work schedule has varied over the years between being at 60, 70 to 80 percent. I never focused on a set flex schedule or only working certain days. Instead, I alternated my time in the office as needed – if there was a family event, then I went and made up the time on another day. The firm let me grow professionally as my personal needs changed. I was promoted to partner and named practice group leader all while working flexibly. Earlier this year I returned to working 100 percent and also added another duty, that of Co-Hiring Partner for the Philadelphia office.

My practice group and my clients have all been extremely supportive as well. My practice focuses on estate planning, charitable planning, and estate and trust administration. Our group has “client teams” so if I’m unavailable, there’s always someone else that can answer any client needs. I develop very personal relationships with my clients so it’s easy to be honest with them about competitive demands. My clients know I’m available to get their work done.

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September 2014

Featuring — Victoria Pynchon, Co-Founder, She Negotiates, LLC

It’s review time…are you ready?  Do you know how to be a self advocate or are you relying on someone else to advocate on your behalf?  Think again – be ready to learn, advance, and market yourself to supervisors, management, and partners by starting to think “it’s about me!” as you write your glory statement or negotiation plan.

Victoria will teach participants how to prepare for their career advancement through strategic self advocacy and negotiations.

The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

This month, we are pleased to share insights from Abby Hemani, Partner in the Boston office of Goodwin Procter LLP.

Abby HemaniDiversity & Flexibility Alliance: How have you made work-life control a priority and a success with your schedule? How have clients contributed to this?

Abby Hemani: I’m fortunate that the nature of my practice facilitates a flexible schedule and allows me to maintain relatively reasonable work-life control. I focus primarily on appellate work and dispositive motion practice in large cases; deadlines are typically far off, and I can see what’s coming down the road. My schedule is not always perfect, but it’s definitely more feasible because I can often work at different times and from different places.

My client, Jody Forchheimer, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel at Fidelity, is very supportive.  As a working mother herself, she has personal experience juggling a career and parenting. Jody has hired me to draft and argue several dispositive motions in large cases while one of my partners handles other aspects of the litigation.  With support from Jody, this somewhat unusual division of responsibilities has fostered an incredibly collaborative relationship between Fidelity, the firm, and me.  Jody took a risk on me, and I am so fortunate to have earned her trust and support, on both a personal and professional level.

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July 2014

Featuring — Milana Hogan, Director of Recruiting & Professional Development, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP

Highlighting her extensive research and work showcased through the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession’s Grit Project, Milana will teach the science behind mindset, grit and resilience – and more importantly, how these common traits are integral in the careers of successful women lawyers. Participants will be provided with the tools to access and implement these traits and learn how to enhance the active retention and promotion of women in the profession.

The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

This month, we are pleased to share insights from Kirstin Poirier-Whitley, Partner in the Los Angeles office of Jones Day.

Kirstin Poirier WhitleyDiversity & Flexibility Alliance: How have you made work-life control a priority and a success with your schedule? How have clients contributed to this?

Kirstin Poirier-Whitley: I’ve been working a flex schedule (75% over five days a week) since 2001 after I had my first child.  I may work shorter days, but I am always available to meet client demands.  If an issue or matter requires more hours in the office, then I make changes to my schedule to meet those demands.  Working flexibly allows me to have a greater presence with my family.  The firm has always supported my decision, and my schedule has not hindered my career advancement – I made partner while on a flex schedule.  The firm also has fantastic technology in place that supports telecommuting.  This has been another successful method of supporting work-life control for our attorneys.  I have full access to my desktop in my home office.

My clients are aware of my schedule, and they know I am available for them.  They have been extremely supportive and respectful of my time; our relationships work because we have a mutual respect of time management and our respective time constraints.

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The Alliance’s Action Steps are designed to assist organizations with implementing practical strategies and policies related to diversity and flexibility.  Members can access full versions of all of the Alliance’s Action Steps in the Member Resource Center.


The failure to develop business is a disastrous mistake. Having a book of business can counteract virtually all of the perceived negative effects of working flexibly. Consider the following:

  1. Income from origination credits offsets income lost when fewer hours are billed;
  1. Pro-active business development undercuts the notion that a flexible or reduced hours lawyer is not committed to the job or firm;
  1. Having your own clients makes it easier to control your schedule and avoid scheduling conflicts…

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The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

This month, we are pleased to share insights from Victoria Lee, Partner in the Silicon Valley office of DLA Piper. Ms. Lee is a 2014 Flex Success Award Honoree.

©John Swanda Swanda & Schindler Digital Photography 109 Geary St., 3rd fl. San Francisco CA 94108

Diversity & Flexibility Alliance: How have you made work-life control a priority and a success with your schedule? How has your client contributed to this?

Victoria Lee: I’ve been on a reduced schedule for the last eight years; after the birth of my son, I came back from maternity leave at an 80% schedule.  At the time, the firm was going through the three-way merger, and there was no formal alternative work schedule (AWS) policy in place.  In some ways I was lucky – I just talked with my practice group leader, said this was what I wanted to do, and it was done.  The firm was “flexible.”  Since then we’ve developed an infrastructure, with the support of partners and senior level management, to implement a formal AWS. The firm has been extremely supportive of flexibility.  Read more

May 2014

Featuring — Mark Goldberg, Global Wellness Manager, Latham & Watkins LLP and Carol Vitelli, Manager of Wellness Programs, White & Case LLP

There is growing attention to wellness programs and the importance they play in building resilience, decreasing absenteeism, and increasing morale.  But wellness is also an essential tool to achieving work-life control just as work-life control is essential to your overall well-being.  Making this connection successful is critical in the legal environment where stress, poor eating habits, and a stationary lifestyle are pervasive.

Mark and Carol will discuss the fundamental connections between wellness and work-life control by highlighting the business case and the strategy, implementation, and marketing processes of wellness programs as part of our collective efforts to realizing a happy, healthy, positive, and flexible workforce.

The Alliance’s Action Steps are designed to assist organizations with implementing practical strategies and policies related to diversity and flexibility.  Members can access full versions of all of the Alliance’s Action Steps in the Member Resource Center.


Tools commonly used to make flexible working programs more effective and less stigmatized can also be used to strengthen diversity and inclusion programs. Flexibility can be used as a recruitment and retention tool, but employers need to continue to work towards eliminating flexibility stigma… Read more