2024 Signature Seminar

Interrupting Bias in Feedback

Featuring Manar Morales, President & CEO, Diversity & Flexibility Alliance

March 5, 2024 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET

Delivering feedback is a critical component of effective leadership and performance. Research shows, however, that women and under-represented professionals are less likely to receive constructive feedback that’s needed to improve performance and for career advancement. In this session, you’ll learn how to develop a framework for setting expectations and overcoming the conscious (and unconscious) roadblocks for giving effective feedback.

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series here.

2024 Signature Seminar

Meeting the Challenge of Burnout

Featuring Dr. Christina Maslach, Author, The Burnout Challenge

January 17, 2024 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET

Burnout is an occupational phenomenon that results from chronic workplace stressors that have not been successfully managed.  Research on burnout has identified the value of fixing the job, and not just the person, within six areas of job-person mismatch.  Improving the match between people and their jobs is the key to managing the chronic stressors, and can be done on a routine basis as part of regular organizational checkups.  Better matches enable people to work smarter, rather than just harder, and to thrive rather than to get beaten down.

This event is open to all individuals at member organizations.

Learn more about the Signature Seminar Series here.