The Alliance’s Action Steps are designed to assist organizations with implementing practical strategies and policies related to diversity and flexibility.  Members can access full versions of all of the Alliance’s Action Steps in the Member Resource Center.


Most firms believe their evaluation system is fair. Most of those firms are wrong.

Research has shown that unconscious bias skews evaluations, despite the evaluators’ best efforts to be fair and impartial. A recent study even suggests the more we believe we are fair and impartial, the less likely we are actually to be so…

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The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

This month, we are pleased to share insights from Jennifer Morrissey, Counsel in the Washington, DC office of Dentons.

Jennifer MorrisseyDiversity & Flexibility Alliance: How have you made flexibility a priority and a success through your schedule?

Jennifer Morrissey: I lateraled to Dentons as a mid-level associate in 2009. I was already working reduced hours at my previous firm, and for me, being able to continue on a flex schedule at Dentons was an essential condition for me to accept their offer. Fortunately, Dentons made it clear they had no problem with flex time, and I have been on an 80 percent schedule ever since I joined them. Marci Rose Levine (the Alliance’s April 2015 Spotlight on Flex and 2013 Flex Success Award Honoree) was instrumental in my decision to come to Dentons; she was already working a successful flex schedule at the firm, and it was evident she had the support to thrive personally and professionally here. Read more

Chairman of Seyfarth Shaw is the Diversity & Flexibility Alliance’s 2016 Flex Leader Honoree

WASHINGTON, DC: February 23, 2016 – The Diversity & Flexibility Alliance announced today that J. Stephen Poor, Chairman of Seyfarth Shaw LLP, will be its 2016 Flex Leader Award Honoree.  The award, which will be presented at the Alliance’s Annual Conference on March 16, 2016, is given to a General Counsel or law firm Chair who promotes a more diverse and inclusive workplace through holistic flexibility.

Mr. Poor is being recognized for his demonstrated leadership, dedication and tireless efforts to ensuring that flexibility policies at Seyfarth Shaw are a part of the firm’s culture. “Steve truly understands the importance of incorporating flexible work policies into the culture of his firm as a valuable business component as well as a key talent retention tool,” said Manar Morales, President and CEO of the Diversity & Flexibility Alliance. “Steve is a trailblazer in the field and demonstrates true leadership from the top to ensure that all of his offices understand and embrace the importance of diversity and flexibility,” she added. Read more

According to our 2015 Flexibility Benchmarking Survey, there has been an uptick in the share of law firms that have formalized flexible work policies. In fact, 92% of law firms (at least of the 25 we surveyed) have formalized, written policies that include holistic flexibility – that is, reduced hours and full-time forms of flexibility. Read more

The Alliance’s 2015 Flexibility Benchmarking Survey Report was recently featured in two pieces from Law360:

Few Attys Take Advantage Of Firms’ Flexible Hours: Survey by Kat Greene

Fearing Career-Killer, BigLaw Attys Pass On Flex Time by Kat Greene

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More Women Need Seats at the Table

Did you know that women only represent 27% of lawyers arguing civil cases and only 21% of lawyers arguing criminal cases? When you consider that there are close to equal numbers of men and women graduating from law school these percentages are disappointing at best.

If you want to learn more about how we can close the gender gap in the courtroom join us on Thursday, February 18 at 1pm EST for our latest Signature Seminar Series highlighting the new ABA Report, First Chairs at Trial: More Women Need Seats at the Table. Roberta D. Liebenberg, co-author of the report, will highlight the report’s findings and lead the discussion on why more women litigators need a seat at the trial table, and how women can get there. Read more

WASHINGTON, DC: February 9, 2016 – A new report released by the Diversity & Flexibility Alliance (the “Alliance”) shows an uptick in the share of law firms that have formalized flexible work policies.  The Alliance’s 2015 Flexibility Benchmarking Survey Report reveals that virtually all – 92 percent – of participating firms have formal, written flexible work policies that include one or more of the following: reduced hours schedules, telecommuting, flexible start/end times, annualized hours, or job sharing. Reduced hour schedules are the most common offered and used type of flexibility, with reduced hours lawyers making up just over eight percent of lawyers at participant firms with a reduced hours policy. This statistic tracks the 2014 survey results. Read more

As a legal professional, you probably know that having a diverse and inclusive workforce and flexible work options are good ideas for the success of your firm as well as the happiness of your employees. But could you be doing more to attract and retain top talent?

Let us show you how you could. By joining the Diversity & Flexibility Alliance, your organization would have access to what we like to call our “Value Proposition.” The value of membership includes access to three vital resources: Read more

February 2016

Featuring — Roberta D. Liebenberg, Senior Partner, Fine, Kaplan and Black, R.P.C., Justice Fernande Duffly, Associate Justice, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, and Beth Kaufman, Partner, Schoeman, Updike & Kaufman LLP

Roberta D. Liebenberg, co-author of the new ABA Report, First Chairs at Trial: More Women Need Seats at the Table, along with Justice Fernande Duffly and Beth Kaufman, will highlight the report’s findings, lead the discussion on why more women litigators need a seat at the trial table, and how women can get there. Each of the presenters will highlight their own experiences (both in front of and behind the bench) and provide recommendations on how to start closing the gender gap in the courtroom.

If you’re just beginning to think about a flexible work program for your company, you may be asking yourself “how flexible should our flexibility policy be?“ Obviously lawyers want flexibility for different reasons. One may want three months off to serve in the state legislature, others may ask for reduced hours for medical reasons or flexible arrival and departure times to care for children. To be effective, Flexible Work Programs should include reduced hours and full-time flexible work options, which is called holistic flexibility, while simultaneously meeting the needs of the organization and its clients. The only way to ensure that all these needs are met is to develop a well-conceived, formal written policy that reflects a holistic approach to flexibility. Read more