Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Featuring — Grace Speights, Morgan Lewis

Reports of workplace sexual harassment and sexual assault by high-profile individuals and high-level executives have captured the public’s attention. The #MeToo movement has led to more and more women sharing their experiences and has encouraged employees to speak out. As sexual harassment claims continue to come to light—with sometimes very public consequences—many employers are seeking a more proactive approach to reviewing harassment policies, response plans and practices, and workplace culture, and are taking new approaches to training employees, executives, and boards of directors on their obligations to ensure safe, respectful, and inclusive workplaces. In the current climate, it is prudent for all organizations to assess risk factors and implement measures and policies to minimize risks related to workplace harassment and misconduct. In this session, Grace Speights will share best practices and insight gained from her experience handling some of the most significant workplace harassment issues companies are facing today.

November 28, 2018

Featuring — Manar Morales, President & CEO of the Diversity & Flexibility Alliance

Is your organization a leader or a follower when it comes to your parental leave and on-ramping policies? In this month’s Signature Seminar, Manar Morales (the Alliance’s President & CEO) will highlight current trends/best practices with parental leave and on-ramping policies with insights from our Law Firm Flexibility Benchmarking Survey. She will discuss innovative ways organizations have been addressing these areas by focusing on:

– Enhancing the business case for expanded and best-in-class parental leave and on-ramping policies;

– Using firm metrics to link these policies to retention, recruitment, satisfaction, and diversity and inclusion;

– Developing, revamping, and implementing these policies by engaging firm leadership and effective communication to your workforce.

October 30, 2018 Featuring Kelly HoeyAuthor of “Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships In A Hyper-Connected World”

The key to finding that new client, coveted promotion, unexpected opportunity or next job (in a role or industry that may not even exist today) rests squarely in the networks you engage with and relationships you choose to build. In this webinar J. Kelly Hoey, Author of Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships In A Hyper-Connected World, contributor to Forbes.com and GOBankingRates.com and (according to Fast Company) is 1 of the 25 Smartest Women On Twitter, shifts our perspective on the act (and art) of networking, dismantles networking misconceptions and provides a network-driven framework for navigating career goals.

June 21, 2018 

Featuring — Paul H. Burton, Founder & Principal, QuietSpacing LLC


Others work while we sleep. That has never been more true than it is today. Technology speeds communications up while response time expectations shrink. Organizations constantly grow, physically and geographically, casting people and projects far and near. The only certainty is that this trend will continue for the foreseeable future.Keeping up with globalism is a daunting prospect. How can we stay abreast without losing sight of the purpose for participating – enjoying rewarding personal and professional lives? What choices do we have and what actions can we take to best serve our clients, our loved ones and ourselves?

This program explores those questions, offering up eighteen suggestions on how to make the most of the time we have in this rapidly expanding playing field. We’ll address the following topics:

– Leveraging Distributed Work Environments. Working with people distributed across differing geographic locations is challenging. Consider these six suggestions on how to leverage this environment.

– Running the Day Productively. Getting the work done is always Priority One. Here are six ways to facilitate that goal.

– Demonstrating Global Leadership. Leadership is a state of mind, regardless of title or position. Here are six ways we can regularly demonstrate leadership on a global basis.

Attending this program you will:
– Gain a clear understanding of how our actions impact the global workplace
– Learn eighteen ways to work better together, get our work done and lead others.
– Use traditional and cloud-based exercise tools to enhance engagement and your understanding of the materials.

The workplace grows more global every day. We can react to that fact or we can lean in and participate. Choose to participate by attending this program.

April 17, 2018 
Thursday, February 15, 2018 – 1:00 pm Eastern

Featuring – Joann Lublin, Author of Earning It: Hard-Won Lessons From Trailblazing Women at the Top of the Business World and Management News Editor, The Wall Street Journal

Joann Lublin kicked off our 2018 Signature Seminar Series with highlights and lessons learned from interviews from her acclaimed book.

November 8, 2017

Featuring – Verna Myers, Founder and Chief Cultural Innovator, The Verna Myers Group

Our society is at a crossroads. Political views, race, class, gender, and geography are dividing us more than ever. We are pulling back from one another, drawing the idea of family and community too small, clinging to people who are “like” us, and being afraid of, or angry with, the “other.” But separation and retrenchment are not the way forward. We cannot get discouraged, paralyzed or distraught in a time of dissension. To overcome the epidemic of hatred, bigotry, and oppression, we need to expand and reimagine a more inclusive community and society. We each need to stand up and act – we need to commit to reaching across our differences instead of giving in to isolation, fear, and hostility.
In this compelling talk, Verna shares her vision of how we can all move forward, using her four Cs of progress – Cultural Curiosity, Compassion, Consciousness, and Courage. Participants will leave energized and with practical tools for connecting in small and large ways to people who are different.
October 17, 2017

Featuring – Dr. Lauren Rivera (Kellogg School of Management), author of Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs

Dr. Lauren Rivera, Associate Professor of Management & Organizations at Kellogg School of Management, started this session by presenting research from her book, Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs, which examines class bias in hiring in top-tier law firms, investment banks and management consulting firms. Attendees explored how the use of on-campus recruiting and cultural fit in hiring can simultaneously prevent professional service firms from diversifying and result in sub-optimal hiring decisions.

September 2017

Featuring – Rachael Bosch, Managing Director of Fringe PD

For those of us in leadership roles, communicating to those who work for and around us is critical to achieving our individual and organizational goals. We know that communication has a significant impact on our brain behavior and therefore our productivity. And yet, many leaders have not been able to take the time needed to craft their communication style and delivery to increase this productivity for their teams. This webinar began with that process. We discussed the very fundamentals of how our brains react to language and communications styles as well as provided resources and tools for you to take back and use in real-time with your colleagues.

Rachael BoschManaging Director of Fringe Professional Development, is an advocate for innovative and organizational professional development and founded Fringe PD to bring coaching and training to professionals across disciplines and experience levels. She has spent more than a decade in legal talent management and has a background in theatrical performance and vocalization. She uses this experience, as well as a brain-based coaching certification through the NeuroLeadership Institute, to develop and deliver training programs on the topics of executive presence, management and leadership, communication skills, and goal pursuit.

June 2017

Featuring — Lauren Stiller Rikleen, President, Rikleen Institute for Strategic Leadership

Today, the path to success is harder than ever. Excellence at one’s craft is simply a baseline. Lawyers also face the challenges of maintaining and bringing in new clients, undertaking organizational leadership roles, participating in professional associations, and engaging in one’s community. Each of these challenges can represent either tremendous opportunity or overwhelming stress. The goal is to meet these challenges with a sense of excitement at what the future holds.
Lauren Stiller Rikleen (author of, You Raised Us, Now Work with Us) discusses strategies and highlights from her newest book and research, Ladder Down: Success Strategies for Lawyers from Women Who Will be Hiring, Reviewing, and Promoting You. Through the advice collected from successful women practitioners around the world and shared in her book, Lauren will discuss strategies to help you re-energize and reclaim your career path. (You can purchase Lauren’s newest book HERE.)