Thank you to our 2021 attendees, sponsors and speakers!
2021 Keynote Speaker
Lara Abrash, Chair & CEO
Deloitte & Touche LLP
2021 Speakers & Honorees

2021 Conference Agenda
12:00 Noon ET
Opening Keynote: The Great Resignation or The Great Retention? The Choice is Yours
Featuring Manar Morales
Across the nation, we are returning to the office, and this undoubtedly brings new challenges and opportunities in creating a flexible work environment. Now is the time to spearhead discussions about what worked and didn’t work, how the pandemic has impacted your teams – particularly women & diverse employees – and how flexible work arrangements can lead to an even more successful and collaborative culture.
Presentation of the 2021 Flex Impact Awards
Panel 1: It’s Time to REIMAGINE the Workplace: Companies and Firms Blazing the Trail – Flex Impact Awards
Featuring Ellen Kaye Fleishhacker and Heather Manning
In a year when everything changed, some companies and firms sat back to “wait and see” what would happen, while others seized the opportunity to blaze a new trail and create powerful change within their organizations. This year’s Flex Impact Award Honorees will share how they reimagined flexibility to create industry-leading initiatives and position themselves at the forefront of the evolution of the future of the workplace.
Meet the Influencers: The Future of Talent
Featuring Sang Lee
Reflect & Connect Breakout Session
Keynote Speaker: Lara Abrash, Chair & CEO of Deloitte & Touche LLP
An inspirational keynote presentation from one of the world’s most effective corporate leaders – Deloitte & Touche Chair and CEO, Lara Abrash – who is paving the way for the financial services industry in its evolution towards the future of work. She’ll share how she fostered a true culture of inclusivity and empathy at Deloitte while creatively planning for remote and hybrid work models.
Presentation of the 2021 Flex Success Awards
Featuring Liz Dillon, Iris Rosario, Sarah Kuehnel, and Bonnie Smith
Hear from extraordinary Partners at major law firms, along with their supportive clients, as they share how flexibility has enabled them to advance in their careers, make time for volunteering and mentoring while managing their personal commitments.
Reflect & Connect Breakout Session
Fireside Chat with the Honorable Tonya Parker
Identity Crisis: What We Misunderstand About Oppression and Privilege
Alliance President & CEO Manar Morales joins Texas Judge and recognized diversity trailblazer, the Honorable Tonya Parker, in an in-depth discussion of diversity, inclusion and identity in our culture.
DFA’s 2021 New Partner Report Findings & Trends and Recognition of Tipping the Scales Firms
Gender equity, especially at the partner level in law firms, is a testament of an organization’s dedication to diversity, inclusion, and equity. We believe in sharing successes to start a ripple effect of positive, lasting effects and proudly recognize this year’s Tipping the Scales firms. Manar Morales will also highlight the results from our 2021 New Partner Report, which examines data from over 200 of the nation’s largest and top-grossing law firms about attorneys promoted to partnership in U.S. offices. More importantly, she will discuss how to utilize these findings to help transform your organization from a sideline watcher to a game time change maker.
Panel 2: Secrets to Success: REFLECTING on Strategies for Advancing More Women to Leadership
Featuring Ellen Dwyer and Jami Wintz McKeon
Individuals from law firms with a proven track record of recruiting, retaining and advancing women to leadership will reflect on the systematic strategies that have been instrumental to their success. Join leaders from law firms that have received multiple-year “Tipping the Scales” recognition as they share their proven best practices and the powerful role gender diversity has played in their overall success.
Reflect & Connect Breakout Session
Panel 3: RECALIBRATING Your Inclusive Flexible Working Initiative To Strengthen Diversity
Featuring Don Smith, Genhi Givings Bailey, and Mike Jackson
Is your flexible working initiative a driver of or a detriment to your organization’s diversity efforts? This panel of leaders will lead a discussion investigating the intersection between inclusive flexibility and diversity. They’ll share their expert insights into the strategies for implementing an inclusive flexible working initiative and its positive impact on diversity.
Wrap Up & Guided Reflection
CLE Credit
The 2021 Annual Conference has been approved for 3.5 CLE hours in Arkansas and Illinois.
Please contact Angela Whitehead Quigley if you have questions about CLE credit.
We’d love to share more about our conference and our latest research. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary introductory call. Let us know if you’d like to learn more and explore how we can help you transform your organization.