The Diversity & Flexibility Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of the Second Annual Law Firm Flexibility Benchmarking Survey, which will build upon the momentum of our inaugural study conducted last year.

Consistent with our mission to advance flexibility for all in the legal profession, this survey tracks the availability, usage, and support for flexible work in major law firms in the US. More specifically, this year’s survey will examine the types of flexibility and leave policies that firms have implemented, general usage by level, race, gender, and sexual orientation, whether and how working flexibly affects promotion, and the types of support available for those who work flexibly. Read more

The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

This month, we are pleased to share insights from Laura O’Boyle, Associate in the New York office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.

Laura OBoyleDiversity & Flexibility Alliance: How has working flexibly made your career more sustainable?

Laura O’Boyle: I think it’s fair to say that working on a flexible schedule is the reason I’ve been able to sustain a career in “big law.” I transitioned to a 75% schedule as a sixth year associate just after my first son turned one. I had returned to work full-time after my maternity leave, but I quickly found myself struggling to find the right balance between a demanding career and my growing family. I was also coping with the recent death of my mother and was spending a lot of time thinking about the type of parent I wanted to be. Shifting to a flexible schedule seemed like a solution that would allow me to be a more present and engaged parent while continuing to sustain a career that I loved – and it very much has been.

Although I had concerns about shifting to a flex-time schedule at that point in my career, the partners with whom I work and firm management have all been incredibly supportive of my decision. With their support, I have never once second-guessed the transition.

For others considering a flex-time schedule, I always remind them that this job is still incredibly demanding, even on a flexible schedule. Having a supportive husband and a wonderful caretaker for our two boys have both been critical to the success of my career.

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The Alliance’s Action Steps are designed to assist organizations with implementing practical strategies and policies related to diversity and flexibility.  Members can access full versions of all of the Alliance’s Action Steps in the Member Resource Center.


Lawyers are often concerned that working flexibly will change how they are viewed at work and lead to career derailment. They are right to be concerned. Studies show that flexibility bias can affect all aspects of a lawyer’s career – from assignments, to evaluations, to promotions. Legal employers can take steps to reduce flexibility bias, and individual lawyers can protect themselves with these strategies: Read more

FSLI 2015

The Diversity & Flexibility Alliance is pleased to announce the Second Annual Flex Success Leadership Institute, an interactive leadership academy designed specifically for Senior Associates, Of Counsel, and Junior Partners seeking to move from high potential to high performance.

The Institute will be led by top industry experts and will consist of interactive workshops that will teach participants to broaden their personal leadership style, business acumen, and communication proficiency.

Confirmed faculty members include: Ritu Bhasin, Founder and Principal, bhasin consulting inc.; Danielle Frappier, Partner, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP; Tasneem Goodman, Managing Director, Akina Corporation; Lisa B. Horowitz, Founder and Principal Advisor, Attorney Talent Strategy Group; Eve Howard, Partner, Hogan Lovells US LLP; Kelly S. Hughes, Shareholder, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.; Verna Myers, Founder and President, Verna Myers Consulting Group; and Colleen Vossler, Founder & CEO, Vossler Negotiations LLC.

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The Diversity & Flexibility Alliance’s Flex Leader Exchange (FLEx) is a quarterly, roundtable-style teleconference series for diversity and talent development professionals at Alliance member organizations.

Join us on July 1 for “Solving for the Right Problem” as Manar Morales and Denise Robinson of the Alliance discuss strategies for pinpointing and resolving issues within your organization’s flexibility program. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the issues they are encountering and share their best practices.

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June 2015

Featuring – Paul H. Burton, Founder & Principal, QuietSpacing LLC

In this age of hyper-connectedness, the world seems to spin faster and faster. No matter how hard or long we work, we often finish the day right where we started. Paul will delve into best practices for staying focused, getting more done, and enjoying greater personal and professional satisfaction and will give straightforward guidance to put you back in charge of your work and success. Using any or all of the principles discussed, participants can gain six plus minutes of productivity a day which adds up to twenty-four hours of additional productivity a year. That’s three days of work off your desk!

The Diversity & Flexibility Alliance’s bi-monthly Signature Seminar Series explores a mix of organizational solutions and individual strategies related to inclusion, retention, and workplace flexibility.

Join us on June 25 for “Done! Time Management Strategies For Regaining Command of Your Day” presented by Paul H. Burton, JD, Founder & Principal of QuietSpacing LLC. Paul will delve into best practices for staying focused, getting more done, and enjoying greater personal and professional satisfaction. Using the principles discussed, participants can gain six minutes of productivity a day, adding up to twenty-four hours of additional productivity a year. That’s three days of work off your desk! Read more

The Alliance’s Action Steps are designed to assist organizations with implementing practical strategies and policies related to diversity and flexibility.  Members can access full versions of all of the Alliance’s Action Steps in the Member Resource Center.


Most lawyers will be caregivers to someone – a child, significant other, a family member – at some point during their careers. This is true regardless of gender and parental status. Providing paid leave is an attractive benefit and can help alleviate the chronic stress, depression, and burnout that caregivers experience. Findings from the Yale Law Women Top Ten Family-Friendly Firms 2015 Report support the Alliance’s recommendation that law firms can improve recruiting and retention by including all caregiving lawyers in their family-friendly programs and policies.  What else can firms and law departments do to attract and retain lawyers who provide elder or family care?… Read more

The Alliance’s Action Steps are designed to assist organizations with implementing practical strategies and policies related to diversity and flexibility.  Members can access full versions of all of the Alliance’s Action Steps in the Member Resource Center.


Flexibility and success go hand in hand. Just as in nature, flexibility provides a unique advantage to thrive in a variety of conditions. The key is to leverage the benefits of flexible work for your career success by demonstrating its connection to motivation, innovative problem-solving, and productivity. Here are seven strategies to help you achieve Flex Success™:

1. Define your success and clearly map out your one, three, and five year vision.

2. Own your value and know your value-add…

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The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

This month, we are pleased to share insights from Marci Rose Levine, Partner in the Washington, DC office of Dentons. Ms. Levine is a 2013 Flex Success Award Honoree.

Marci Rose LevineDiversity & Flexibility Alliance: How have you made work-life control a priority and a success with your schedule? How have clients contributed to this?

Marci Rose Levine: As a parent of three small children, flexibility both in my professional and personal life is essential. I’ve been with Dentons for almost 17 years, and for the past 12 years, I’ve been on a flexible/reduced hours schedule. I’m currently at 80 percent, but over the years, I’ve alternated between 80-90 percent. I’ve spent a lot of time on my education and career development, so when I was pregnant with my first child, I chose to go on a reduced hours schedule because I knew the flexibility would allow me to be a better mother and better attorney.

Not all my clients know that I’m on a reduced hours schedule; however, I have several, such as Walmart, that do – Walmart has really put a spotlight on flexibility in the legal profession. I was upfront with them about my schedule, and in return, they have always made it a point to be realistic about which projects require immediate attention and which can wait. Being open about my schedule with clients like Walmart has been empowering – there’s a feeling of mutual respect around balancing my work with my other responsibilities.

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