July 2014

Featuring — Milana Hogan, Director of Recruiting & Professional Development, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP

Highlighting her extensive research and work showcased through the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession’s Grit Project, Milana will teach the science behind mindset, grit and resilience – and more importantly, how these common traits are integral in the careers of successful women lawyers. Participants will be provided with the tools to access and implement these traits and learn how to enhance the active retention and promotion of women in the profession.

May 2014

Featuring — Mark Goldberg, Global Wellness Manager, Latham & Watkins LLP and Carol Vitelli, Manager of Wellness Programs, White & Case LLP

There is growing attention to wellness programs and the importance they play in building resilience, decreasing absenteeism, and increasing morale.  But wellness is also an essential tool to achieving work-life control just as work-life control is essential to your overall well-being.  Making this connection successful is critical in the legal environment where stress, poor eating habits, and a stationary lifestyle are pervasive.

Mark and Carol will discuss the fundamental connections between wellness and work-life control by highlighting the business case and the strategy, implementation, and marketing processes of wellness programs as part of our collective efforts to realizing a happy, healthy, positive, and flexible workforce.

February 2014

Featuring — Robert Nelson, Director, American Bar Foundation and Ellen Ostrow, Founding Principal, Lawyers Life Coach LLP

Social capital is not just your network; it’s the by-product of your efforts to contribute to the success of others.  In general, majority groups tend to have more social capital due to the ease of developing networks, while women and diverse attorneys are often excluded from these powerful circles.

Robert and Ellen will highlight ways women and diverse attorneys can strategically forge relationships with powerful allies via reciprocity and social capital and provide the latest research on how attorneys in the minority are (or are not) leveraging their social capital and the statistical effects of this on the legal profession.

December 2013

Featuring — Sara Holtz, Founder & CEO, ClientFocus

Sara is a noted business development coach for women lawyers and the author of “Bringin’ in the Rain: A Women Lawyer’s Guide to Business Development.” She will discuss the eight steps you need to take to develop a concrete action plan to grow your practice and career in 2014.

November 2013

Featuring — Ritu Bhasin, Principal & Founder, bhasin consulting inc.

Ritu will discuss key strategies and tools for becoming “sponsor-ready” from the individual and organizational perspectives.

November 2013

Featuring — Verna Myers, Founder & President, Verna Myers Consulting Group (VMCG)

Verna will educate, engage, and entertain participants with an open and honest conversation about the difficult talks we all have had (or need to have) with co-workers, management, and people we meet in life.

July 2013

Featuring — Lauren Stiller Rikleen, President, Rikleen Institute for Strategic Leadership

The Millennial generation is entering the workplace in increasing numbers, and many senior leaders are experiencing the challenges of managing a multi-generational workforce. Lauren will present findings from her research (and upcoming book) on Millennials, dispelling many of the myths surrounding this generation and providing practical advice for strengthening intergenerational relationships.

February 2013

Featuring — Cynthia Thomas Calvert, Principal, Workforce 21C & Senior Advisor, Diversity & Flexibility Alliance

The success of flexible work programs depends on the partners supervising the lawyers who are working flexibly. Manage well and the firm prospers; make too many mistakes and costs rise, productivity tanks, and clients complain. Cynthia will discuss of best practices for supervising lawyers who work nontraditional schedules. Learn the three keys to effective management of flex workers, and the worst mistake that supervisors can make. Throughout the presentation, Cynthia will provide tips to make your work life easier as you manage flex lawyers.

December 2012

Featuring — Dr. Arin Reeves, President,Nextions

Although the commitment to advancing women in the legal professional has increased considerably over the last decade, the progress we have actually achieved has not kept up with the commitment. Research shows that the efforts undertaken to advance as far as we have are not the same efforts that will allow us to advance to the next level. This seminar will explore how we can use the new intelligence available to us to get to the next level of women’s advancement.

September 2012

Law firms and legal departments have been putting together targeted “on-ramping” or “phase back” programs to help their attorneys transition smoothly on and off of leave. The programs have been well-received by lawyers and are proving to stem unwanted attrition, especially of new parents. During this seminar, three Alliance member firms who have launched, managed, and measured on-ramping programs will share best practices for starting or building upon your organization’s own program.