February 2016

Featuring — Roberta D. Liebenberg, Senior Partner, Fine, Kaplan and Black, R.P.C., Justice Fernande Duffly, Associate Justice, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, and Beth Kaufman, Partner, Schoeman, Updike & Kaufman LLP

Roberta D. Liebenberg, co-author of the new ABA Report, First Chairs at Trial: More Women Need Seats at the Table, along with Justice Fernande Duffly and Beth Kaufman, will highlight the report’s findings, lead the discussion on why more women litigators need a seat at the trial table, and how women can get there. Each of the presenters will highlight their own experiences (both in front of and behind the bench) and provide recommendations on how to start closing the gender gap in the courtroom.

December 2015

Featuring – Sara Holtz, Founder & CEO, ClientFocus

There’s no doubt that business development is a key to success.  But how do we avoid the pitfalls of over-extending, over-exhausting, and over-committing ourselves to things all in the name of business development? Learning to say no is just as important to your personal and professional success. Listen as Sara Holtz, Founder & CEO of ClientFocus and author of Bringin’ in the Rain, guides us through the art of saying no to take back control of what really matters and enhances our careers.

November 2015

Featuring – Suzanne Franchetti, President, Franchetti Communications

You have only a few moments to capture someone’s attention…How do you reduce the risk of being just another distraction? Effective pitching is directly related to your bottom line. Suzanne Franchetti will lead participants through the Six Ways to Guarantee Your Pitch Cuts Through the Clutter.  This process, specifically designed for legal and professional services audiences, will provide the missing links to your presentation and media communication efforts. Whether you’re speaking to one person in an informal meeting, a large crowd at an industry event, or preparing to speak with the news media – partners, associates, and corporate legal teams will benefit from these messaging strategies.

September 2015

Featuring – Kit Chaskin, Partner and Global Director of the Women’s Initiative Network, Reed Smith and Sally Olson, Chief Diversity Officer, Sidley Austin

Are your women’s initiatives waning?  Are the majority of your regrettable losses female attorneys? Good intentions don’t always equal positive results, but action is needed.  Kit and Sally will discuss their firms’ successes with creating women’s initiatives with IMPACT! Manar Morales of the Diversity & Flexibility Alliance will also discuss best practices with leading change through your initiatives. Learn how to overcome the organizational challenges when creating and sustaining a successful women’s initiative and retain your top talent!

June 2015

Featuring – Paul H. Burton, Founder & Principal, QuietSpacing LLC

In this age of hyper-connectedness, the world seems to spin faster and faster. No matter how hard or long we work, we often finish the day right where we started. Paul will delve into best practices for staying focused, getting more done, and enjoying greater personal and professional satisfaction and will give straightforward guidance to put you back in charge of your work and success. Using any or all of the principles discussed, participants can gain six plus minutes of productivity a day which adds up to twenty-four hours of additional productivity a year. That’s three days of work off your desk!

April 2015

Featuring — Kenji Yoshino, Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Constitutional Law, NYU School of Law

Drawing on Professor Yoshino’s award-winning book, “Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights,” this seminar will address the phenomenon of covering — the strategy of downplaying outsider attributes to blend into the mainstream. While his previous presentation (at the Alliance’s 2014 Annual Conference) focused on covering in the Fortune 500, this update will examine data gathered specifically from law firms. Professor Yoshino will discuss the incidence and costs of covering for individuals and law firms and explore possible solutions.

February 2015

Featuring — Laura Acosta, firm-wide Manager of Diversity and Professional Development, Goodwin Procter LLP and Kristen Page, Partner and Flex Policy Advisor, Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP

On-ramping is one of the best ways to retain talented lawyers. It’s also inexpensive, measurably effective, and helps attorneys transition smoothly back from leave with the option of working reduced hours for a limited period of time without having to apply or request permission. More importantly, returning attorneys are given the support they need to successfully ramp back up to their full practice levels. Laura and Kristen will share how their firms have successfully implemented on-ramping policies and how to start them in your organizations.

December 2014

Featuring — Sara Holtz, Founder & CEO, ClientFocus

Business development skills don’t stop once an attorney makes partner – if anything, these skills are even more essential at this level. Sara will lead participants through the essential questions partners need to ask as they map out their business development plan for the new year.

November 2014

Featuring — Tasneem Goodman, Partner, Akina Corporation

Market conditions have brought the legal profession to the realization that success in a law firm depends, at least in part, on all attorneys’ — including associates — ability to develop business. Business development skills cannot magically be switched on once an attorney reaches partnership.  Just as associates’ and their firms’ expectations have changed around business development, both parties have a role to play in advancing the skills they need to become successful rainmakers.

Tasneem will share the fundamentals of business development, as well as the individual strategies associates can use and organizational solutions firms can implement to sow the seeds for rainmaking.

September 2014

Featuring — Victoria Pynchon, Co-Founder, She Negotiates, LLC

It’s review time…are you ready?  Do you know how to be a self advocate or are you relying on someone else to advocate on your behalf?  Think again – be ready to learn, advance, and market yourself to supervisors, management, and partners by starting to think “it’s about me!” as you write your glory statement or negotiation plan.

Victoria will teach participants how to prepare for their career advancement through strategic self advocacy and negotiations.