The Spotlight on Flex showcases professionals from member organizations who exemplify personal and professional success while working a flexible schedule. Their stories illustrate the long-term benefits that flexible schedules offer to both individuals and organizations.

For August 2018, we are pleased to share insights from Heidi B. (Goldstein) Friedman, Partner at Thompson Hine (Cleveland, OH). 

Diversity & Flexibility Alliance: How have you made flexibility a priority and a success through your schedule?

Heidi (Goldstein) Friedman: There is a reason that I have been at Thompson Hine for 23 years. The firm has always supported my practice as well as my personal life and professional interests. I started flexing my schedule 18 years ago after I had my first child, who is now leaving for college! My initial flexible arrangement started with a slight reduction in overall billable hours, and although I focused on flexibility where I was able to grab it, my goal was to take every other Friday off with my newborn daughter to see what those mommy and me classes were all about. Over time and after I had my son three years later, I would aim to take one day off each week, and I also added some telecommuting to the mix. To me, the key was being able to work flexible hours in a flexible location. As my children grew, so did my practice, and my life circumstances also changed. I was suddenly a single parent and promoted to partner while trying to build a national practice that required quite a bit of travel. There is no doubt that my kids were my priority, and I had to be present in any way I could. At the same time, I wanted every client to feel like they were also a priority (and they are) and that I was honored to be a part of their team.

Even though my kids are older and require less attention (i.e., they don’t like being around me nearly as much!), I still want to remain engaged with them. Additionally, I have worked very hard to build a strong practice supporting large manufacturing companies on environmental, health and safety issues, so I still spend quite a bit of time on airplanes. Although I have now long been committed to the firm at full time plus, I continue to use flexibility as a way to be successful by telecommuting multiple days a week. My days fill up quickly with client meetings and travel but also with my kids’ activities and appointments. I try my best to never miss a soccer game or track meet for my son, and I definitely did not want to miss a single event during my daughter’s senior year

While my hours and schedule have changed over the years, my focus on making sure I also provide valuable and innovative client service delivery, has not. Flexibility lets me determine when and where I work without sacrificing responsiveness and service to my clients. At the end of the day, I want to be my best self for my clients and my family, and flexibility allows me to do this.

The firm did not have a formal policy when I first broached the subject of working flex 18 years ago. It was more of a “you get what you negotiate” process. I had medical issues with both of my pregnancies, and my practice group leader never hesitated to give me the time I needed. Thompson Hine has always been immensely supportive with a “family first” mentality and culture, and my reduced hours schedule was never a detriment to my professional development. During my second pregnancy, my doctor ordered three months of mandatory bed rest and I could not work at all; yet shortly after my son was born, I made partner. That was close to 16 years ago, and this is just one of the many reasons why I have stayed with the firm for 23 years!

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The Alliance’s Action Steps are designed to assist organizations with implementing practical strategies and policies related to diversity and flexibility.  Members can access full versions of all of the Alliance’s Action Steps in the Member Resource Center.

Many organizations are offering coaching services to employees in order to help support them with various stages of their careers and lives. Professional coaches can help employees foster their career development and work-life autonomy, help enhance specific skills, and/or assist employees during pivotal career promotions and transitions. Organizations can successfully create and implement coaching programs by focusing on key areas: Selection, integration, Reporting, and Monitoring to make sure coaching services are being effectively utilized and meeting objectives such as promoting talent retention and work satisfaction.

SELECTION: The first step in ensuring a successful coaching program is to select a professional coach with the right expertise, background, and fit for the organization. For coaching programs focused on certain professionals or specific objectives, it is important for the coach to have an expertise in that area. For instance, if a coaching program is targeted to help parents or flex employees, the professional coach should have significant experience with diversity and inclusion matters, work-life autonomy issues, and career development. During this selection process, talent management professionals should meet with potential coaches to understand their background, expertise, and resources. Organizations can also consider rolling out a pilot coaching program by offering coaching services to certain departments in order to assess whether the professional coach is the right fit and whether such coaching services would be helpful on a broader scale…

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We are so excited to have an amazing line-up of prominent leaders and trailblazers speaking at our 2018 Annual Conference Diversity + Flexibility = Embracing Change on Thursday, September 27.  We’ll be introducing these dynamic and engaging speakers throughout the summer and sharing their diversity and flexibility insights here on our blog. We’ve asked our speakers to answer a few questions about themselves, their approach to their career, and their lives. This week’s “Getting To Know Our Conference Speakers” post highlights Tammy Wincup, Chief Operating Officer at EVERFI.

Diversity & Flexibility Alliance: What’s the most important message you hope attendees will learn from your panel?

Tammy Wincup: The issues of diversity, inclusion, and flexibility are not taboo topics for just a few on the fringes of our organizations.  We must make them population level discussions even if we make mistakes.

DFA: When the next generation learns about the #MeToo movement what do you hope has changed?

TW: It took such courage for the first survivors to speak out.  But it will take the energy and commitment of all of us – each generation – to keep the recognition that work must not be a place of intimidation and fear.

DFA: What can we be doing to create more inclusive organizations?

TW: We must acknowledge that creating an inclusive organization is a daily journey.  As leaders we need to model it with actions large and small, and then we need to give the organization the support to create a culture that spreads it, over and over again, person by person.  It’s a journey, not an end-game.

DFA: Who has had the most influence on your career?

TW: Reed Hastings, founder and CEO of Netflix and Facebook board member. Netflix is Reed’s second company, and he is super honest about what mistakes he made the first time and how he is conscious of those everyday. He is also a huge believer in education reform and puts his time and resources into our industry as well. He has been a great role model to many of us.

DFA: How do you recharge?  Where and when are you most content?

TW: A good tough hike, a cup of tea, and a great novel that makes you ignore the rest of the world.

Join us for our Annual Conference on Thursday, September 27th and learn how Tammy and her fellow panelists are transforming their organizations’ cultures through diversity and flexibility. Their panel, Making Change Happen from the Inside-Out: Industry Leaders Shaping the Organizational Culture, will run from 2:00 – 3:00 pm.