
2022 Law Firm Flexibility Benchmarking Survey

The Alliance invites you to participate in our 2022 Law Firm Flexibility Benchmarking Survey, which examines the types of workplace flexibility, hybrid and leave policies that law firms have implemented for employees and the types of support available for those who work flexibly/hybrid.

The survey responses will be analyzed and aggregated, and responses will be kept confidential. A report will be published for Alliance members and survey participants containing industry trends, best practices and insights learned, which organizations can leverage to make meaningful changes and publicize their successes.

Survey participants may be considered for publicly-awarded recognitions based upon Alliance best practices in the areas of parental leave and workplace flexibility. Law firm participants eligible for these recognitions will be notified first and publicly honored, with their permission; there will be no ranking associated with these recognitions.

Please complete this survey by Friday, October 21, 2022, in order to be considered for the public recognitions in the areas of parental leave and workplace flexibility, and receive the report on this survey.

Please contact Sejal Shah, Manager of Leadership Initiatives, if you need any assistance or have any questions with the survey.